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July 2021 Newsletter

New offices - We're recruiting - Autumn training schedule - Fully-funded pan-London service

Welcome from the CEO

We are very excited to let you know that we will be moving to Leroy House, 436 Essex Rd, N1 3QP at the end of this month. After five very happy years at Andover Community Centre, we're delighted with our new home which has room for all 12 members of the Abianda team.

Recently we have welcomed our new Participation Lead to the team. Emma will be overseeing our work with our Young Trainers, who co-facilitate all our training and act as peer mentors to other young women. Our Young Trainers will be supported by Emma to run young women led campaigns and conferences over the coming 3 years.

We've been really pleased to work closely with the Contextual Safeguarding Network over the last few months. Our team have been presenting our contextual safety plans and mapping to partners of the network, to really positive feedback.

We are very excited to soon be launching an evaluation of our organisation and services. With kind support from Esmée Fairbairn and Samworth Foundation, we will be able to really capture the impact our work and refine our processes and evaluation framework. We will be going out to tender for this piece of work soon, so watch this space.

Please read on for more information about our recruitment, autumn training schedule, and a reminder about our fully-funded pan-London service.

Thank you for your ongoing support of our work.

Abi Billinghurst

Founder and CEO


We're looking for a Young Women's Associate to deliver our Star Project as part of our Rescue and Response team.

Rescue and Response is a MOPAC funded project designed to support young Londoners affected by county line exploitation. Nearly a third of ‘County Lines’ originate in London, making London a major exporter of this high harm model of drug distribution. County Lines drives gang related violent crime, criminal exploitation of children and exploitation of vulnerable adults in London and beyond.

Your role will be to deliver one-to-one sessions and advocacy support to young women up to the age of 25 affected by gangs and county line activity – you will engage 24 young women per year. You will work with high risk, high vulnerability young women using Abianda’s unique model of practice.


We have the following training courses for individuals to enrol on, all taking place at Islington Town Hall.

For further information on costs and to sign-up, please email

  • 23-25 September: three-day training "Working effectively with gang-affected young women"

  • 30 October: one-day training "Girls, Gangs and County Lines"

  • 19 November: one-day training "Girls, Gangs and County Lines"

For enquiries about commissioning in-house training for your teams, please contact

This is the best training I think I've ever been on in 19 years in the CSE / gangs / vulnerable adolescent / sexual violence field.

I loved the range of activities, discussion, values and involvement of the young trainers. Will be raving about this!

Pan-London Abianda service for young women affected by county line activity

Abianda is part of a consortium working with vulnerable children and young people affected by county lines across London. Individuals must be London based and aged up to 25, and fulfil one or more of the following criteria:

  • Known, or suspected, involvement in county line activity

  • Known, or suspected, association with others who are involved in county line activity or being coerced and controlled

  • Known, or suspected, experiences of CSE, Sexual violence and/or coercion, control or victimisation in the context of county line and/or gang activity

  • Missing episodes suspected to be linked to any of the above

All referrals submitted via an online platform which can be reached by clicking on this link. More information on our website.

To read the newsletter, please follow this link


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About: Abi Billinghurst and Associates - Abianda -  Unit 414  ScreenWorks, 22 Highbury Grove,  London  N5 2EF

Abianda is a charitable company, registered in England and Wales.

Registered charity number: 1211353

Registered company number: 08875988

Privacy statement

To read our privacy statement, please follow this link


020 7686 0520

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