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work in schools

Our mission is to bring about a culture shift in the way services are delivered to young women affected by criminal exploitation and violence. We are funded by the Mayor’s Office Young Londoners Fund to deliver work in schools to young women and girls and to staff to bring this culture shift to the classroom.

Why Schools?

Young women and girls aged 11-18 in state schools in London need support in order to:​

  • build healthy relationships

  • recognise signs of exploitation

  • grow strategies to keep themselves safe

  • grow self-esteem

  • feel confident accessing services that are open to them (within and outside of school)

Please click here for an informative flyer on our Schools offer that you can share with your colleagues.

School staff with responsibilities for safeguarding and pastoral care need increased knowledge in order to:​

  • understand the ways young women and girls are affected by 'gangs' and county lines, and the barriers to them accessing services

  • be able to spot the signs a young woman or girl is being exploited in the context of 'gangs' and county lines

  • be able to better engage with and support young women and girls affected by 'gangs' and county line activity

  • grow knowledge and understanding of services open to young women and girls, therefore better able to signpost


How Will We Work with Pupils?

We will speak at assemblies for 30 - 60 minutes. ​


We will also host group work sessions. We will work with 14 pupils for 3 x 60 - 90-minute workshops. In these sessions, we will explore consent, the ways young women and girls are affected by gangs and county lines, relationship mapping, and safety planning.

Through these activities, young women will:​

  • have increased knowledge and understanding of the ways young women and girls are affected by 'gangs' and county lines activity

  • move closer to their desired outcomes

  • have increased knowledge of healthy and unhealthy relationships

  • demonstrate increased resilience

  • be more confident in approaching school safeguarding and pastoral support staff

How Will We Work with Staff?

Schools are invited to select from the following options:

  • Seminar to all staff

  • Individual case consultations

  • Presentation to governors

  • School contextual safety plan

  • Review of safeguarding policy


Through these activities, staff will:​

  • have increased knowledge and understanding of the ways young women and girls are affected by 'gangs' and county lines

  • be better equipped to recognise and engage with young women affected by 'gangs'

School Report and Recommendations

We will create a report for schools reflecting on our collaboration. The report may include:

  • Introduction to Abianda and local context

  • Recap of activities delivered

  • Overview of learning from sessions

  • Evaluation responses

  • Conclusion and recommendations

Want Abianda to come to your school?

Please contact our Schools Lead Amanda on amanda[at] She will set up an introductory conversation to learn more about your school and discuss timelines.


Amanda will be able to provide guidance on selecting pupils for the group work (up to 14 pupils identified by the school as vulnerable to criminal, sexual and/or financial coercion, who should also be group work-ready).

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About: Abi Billinghurst and Associates - Abianda -  Unit 414  ScreenWorks, 22 Highbury Grove,  London  N5 2EF

Abianda is a charitable company, registered in England and Wales.

Registered charity number: 1211353

Registered company number: 08875988

Privacy statement

To read our privacy statement, please follow this link


020 7686 0520

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