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Thanks MP Eshalomi

Thank you to Florence Eshalomi MP for continuing to champion the needs of young women and girls affected by criminal exploitation and 'gangs'. In Parliament, MP Eshalomi called for tailored support for young women and girls in the government's Young Futures programme. Thank you too for highlighting our work and that of the brilliant Ebinehita Iyere and Milk Honey Bees

In 2020, Florence Eshalomi was in Parliament again presenting her report on the experiences of young women affected by 'gangs''. We appreciate you MP Eshalomi, and all you do. 

We too are interested to know how Young Future Hubs will address issues of gender and support young women's unique experiences. How will they provide contextual safety? How will they understand the unique experiences of girls and young women? How will they provide accessible and culturally sensitive services that no longer render girls as invisible or push girls to the edges of spaces as observers of boys' activity?


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