The Abianda team headed to Southwark College's Personal Safety Information Day on 16 March. Our Contextual Safeguarding Lead Fiona spoke to two groups of students of all genders alongside a panel of other professionals on the topic of personal safety. Our Schools and Borough Lead Amanda led two workshops with young women and girls about relationships and values.

Although the topic was 'personal safety', we should never be placing responsibility solely on young women to “keep themselves safe”.
We approached our sessions from a lens of Contextual Safeguarding - a framework that takes into account all the challenges that happen outside of the home and thinks about what creates these challenges and keeps them existing. We strive for services to work together to build safety around girls and young women.
Let's centre young people and build on their strengths and innate resources. We want to make sure that everyone sees girls and young women, not just as a sum of the challenging things they've experienced - but as the whole, brilliant, powerful people that they are.
Here are some photos from the workshop:
