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Solution-focused Training

The Abianda team attended 6 sessions of solution-focused training with the amazing Luke Goldie-McSorley from Essex Solution Focused Centre. Over the 6 days, our team learned about the assumptions behind the solution-focused approach and had plenty of opportunities to practice the skills in different roleplay scenarios. We aim to implement these techniques not only into our work with young women and girls, but our organisation as a whole.

Our team has shared their reflections and feedback on the sessions here:

"The SF training was not prescriptive and was catered to our needs as an organisation, which really helped in understanding SF practice and how to apply it to our work. It was so useful to have examples from real-life practice, including managing risk, feelings of hopelessness as well as how it can be used to challenge decision making in professional spaces. I see how useful it is as a tool, how it really does tap into someone's strengths and I do feel more confident in using SF naturally within conversations and my work. I have tried to keep the assumptions in the forefront of my mind in my work (and in my own life!) and I am trying to use SF within other pieces of work, such as within interviews, within group work and within monitoring & evaluation."

"Luke is a great facilitator and teacher. He was very informative and provided us with useful examples and demonstrations. Everything was well explained and made relevant to our work."

"I appreciated Luke’s efforts to adapt the exercises and demonstrations so that they were relevant to different organisational roles."

"Luke is such a brilliant facilitator and his passion and expertise shone through. The content he delivered was perfectly tailored and perfectly pitched. We were made to feel safe and comfortable as a group to engage fully with the content and the sessions were a great mix of teaching, demonstration and practice. As someone who has really struggled with role play in training in the past, attending these sessions with Luke really changed that for me and I'm now able to see their value in a different way. I'm really looking forward to being able to implement Solution Focused practice - and the assumptions at the heart of it - across all areas of my work and our work at Abianda. Very grateful to Luke & Solution Focused Centre Essex for all the new tools I've learned and my increased confidence in using solution focused practice."

"I appreciated that the training was facilitated by a practitioner that worked on the edge of care team and a practicing social worker, Luke. Luke shared examples from his practice of the profound effect solution focused interventions can have, this really helped to challenge my initial disbelief in SF and was very inspiring. I appreciated that integration of theory and practice, it was really helpful in the earlier days to learn about some of the neuroscience that evidences the positive effects SF conversations can have. I also appreciate that the training has supported me to feel optimistic about what the future hold in my practice, as I have faith that working in a solution focused manor can improve outcomes in a holistic way preventing professional burnout. Thank Luke!"

"The solution-focused training was useful, interesting and also enjoyable. I believe this is because it was delivered by Luke, a skilled, knowledgeable and friendly facilitator. I’m able to use what I learned in the sessions in my operational role at Abianda, in my volunteer positions and personal life as the solution-focused assumptions are so versatile and Luke was able to demonstrate how adaptable the approach can be to different situations."

Thank you Luke! We look forward to working with you again.


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About: Abi Billinghurst and Associates - Abianda -  Unit 414  ScreenWorks, 22 Highbury Grove,  London  N5 2EF

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