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Look Closer: The Children's Society + Abianda

On 16 March, our Schools and Islington Lead Amanda presented a talk as part of The Children's Society's #LookCloser campaign with the British Transport Police and National County Lines Coordination Centre. The campaign aims to grow awareness of the signs of child exploitation and how to report it to keep children safe from abuse. Amanda spoke about Abianda's work, our principles and approach, the importance of language, risks that young women face and the barriers to support that they may encounter. Thank you to Amanda for delivering this impactful talk. We are very grateful to The Children's Society for this opportunity. We are excited to continue sharing our expertise to inform professionals and ensure that children are safe from exploitation.


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About: Abi Billinghurst and Associates - Abianda -  Unit 414  ScreenWorks, 22 Highbury Grove,  London  N5 2EF

Abianda is a charitable company, registered in England and Wales.

Registered charity number: 1211353

Registered company number: 08875988

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